We are specialized in the elaboration, creation, production, design, harvest and distribution of cigars in all the United States and some other islands. We are committed to bring the best production of the best cigars smoked in the world elaborated by hand with the best mix of the best cigars in the world and with a process duly supervised by people trained in the elaboration of cigars.
An exceptional constructed cigar offering a smooth velvety taste and aroma. A remarkable cigar, well balanced, slow even burn which stays cool and smooth throughout. If you enjoy a pleasant tasting cigar which is not overwhelming, yet satisfying, then Primeros is for you.
Wrapper: Connecticut Ecuador
Binder: Indonesia Sumatra
Filler: Nicaragua Ligero, Olor, Criollo 98 and Piloto Cubano Dom Rep
Strength: Medium-Bodied Smoke
Cigar Sizes Price US
50 x 5 ½ Robusto - Box of 20 --> $ 65.99
50 x 6 Toro - Box of 20 --> $ 65.99
50 x 7 Churchill - Box of 20 --> $ 65.99
54 x 6 ½ Torpedo - Box of 20 --> $ 68.50
60x6 Grande - Box of 20 --> $ 76.95
Because we have years of experiences in the mudo of the cigars and with a staff that is guaranteed and educated in this world. For us, each of our clients is our family and is part of our great family. Our products and services are guaranteed and approved by our large family of customers and already counting with a large catalog of products and services for all the world.